Tuesday, July 12, 2005  
There are so many shows to watch on tv these days. And me being me, i cant wait every week for each episode.

My favs:

1. C.S.I Las Vegas ***** BESTEST!!
2. Nip/Tuck ***** BESTEST!
3. LOST **** 1/2 BEST but draggy after a while i hear.
4. Las Vegas *** entertaining. about wot's up and about casino style.

(in order of preference)

I just got my hands on Season 2 Nip/Tuck UNCUT! yipee!!!!! much controversial stuffs. *** SPOILERS ALERT!***

Matt Sleeping with his life coach which turns out to be a man (who also sleeps with his son who doesnt know his 'mom's real identity. But tht Ava is a knock-out! Christian is carved up. Julia and Sean going separate ways. Matt and Sean finding out who Matt's real father is. ...... wowwwwowww.. i'm left with the last disc. argh.

i like so much!

I cant wait to lay my hands on LOST and CSI!
  posted by Ackley at 7:08 AM